Your overdue debt is in collections with MFL. Now what?
Our job is to make sure your debtors don’t see your business as a free overdraft facility. We will make sure that your debtors pay what is owed; that is what we are good at.
Our debt collection practices
Once your debt is with MFL, we will ensure that contact is established with the debtor(s) as soon as possible in order to start collecting on the overdue amount(s).
We are able to trace debtors who have ‘disappeared’. Once a debtor has been traced, we can then start collecting your debt.
The ‘art’ of successful debt recovery is knowing the process, and having the ability to explain the consequences clearly when discussing repayment options with debtors.
Real life debt recovery
To better understand debt recovery and our debt collection practices, we’ve put together some case studies. These are real debt recovery cases we have worked on in New Zealand, although for privacy reasons, we will not be publishing the real contact details of the parties.

Get in touch
If you need assistance with debt recovery or support through the court system, call us today for your no-obligation, free discussion.